Jika Ada Link Dalam Blog Ini Yang Tidak Berfungsi Atau Broken, Dengan Segala Kerendahan Hati Kami Berharap Pengunjung Sekalian Meng-Infokan Kepada Kami Agar Se-segera Mungkin Kami Memperbaikinya,TERIMA KASIH..!!BLOG ANAK BIMA mengucapkan "SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL ADHA 1437H MOHON MAAF LAHIR DAN BATIN" @Admin [by:dyenps]

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Download Template Naruto Fight

Pada tutorial saya terdahulu saya telah memposting Download Template Naruto vs Sazuke,
nah pada kesempatan ini saya akan membuat postingan yg hampir sama atau mirip.masih tentang download template Blog yaitu: Naruto Fight;
Template dengan Heading yg lebar dan besar di lengkapi dengan 3 kolom yang keren dan indah sangat cocok untuk Blog dengan latar belakang Game.
Ini Screenshot nya:

Jika sobat tertarik download aja Gratizzz Kq..!!

SEKIAN..Semoga sukses..!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

PC Game Pearl Harbor - Fire on the Water

PC Game  Pearl Harbor - Fire on the Water
Pearl Harbor - Fire on the Water
Akurasi dan waktu akan menjadi sekutu hanya Anda saat Anda berpatroli di perairan berbahaya dekat Pearl Harbor di perahu bersenjata lengkap dengan torpedo, laser, dan bahkan nuklir. Melakukan pertempuran di siang bolong atau di malam hari, master 10 jenis misi, dan membangun reputasi sebagai teror laut di 120 tingkat kampanye. Menakjubkan air dan pertempuran efek akan membuat Anda terpaku pada layar saat Anda menjaga 13 lokasi, lima orang kapal yang unik dan mengubah hampir dua lusin pesawat musuh menjadi keju Swiss.

Man stasiun pertempuran dan bersiap untuk perang angkatan laut dalam permainan Arcade menyenangkan.
     Membangun reputasi sebagai teror laut di 120 tingkat.
     Kontrol lima kapal yang unik dan menyerang menggunakan torpedo, laser dan banyak lagi.
     Cobalah Pearl Harbor 2

Cara download:
Klik Link INI
Lalu kemudian klik Logo seperti ini:

 Anda akan men-download file: c4Setup-dm.exe ,setelah itu dobel klik pada file tersebut dan Run, yang seperti ini:
Setelah itu muncul jendela download seperti ini:

Tunggu hingga proses download sampai selesai,besaran filenya 392.12 MB,setelah download selesai cari filenya yg biasanya langsung ada pada dekstop,install di komputer sobat,dan mainkan gamenya...!!

System Requirements

  • Windows 7/Vista/XP
  • Processor: Pentium 4 2.6 GHz
  • 1536 MB RAM
  • Free hard drive space: 396 MB
  • DirectX 9.0
 Screen Shoot:

SEKIAN dan selamat Bermain...!!!
 Lihat Lebih Game >>

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Download Delta Force 2 PC Game

Download Delta Force 2 PC Game

Kau anggota dari US Army terbaik-dirahasiakan: yang elit OPERASI KHUSUS unit yang dikenal sebagai Delta Force, dibentuk untuk TERORISME BATTLE di seluruh dunia. Ketika yang terbaik dari sisanya tidak dapat menangani operasi, ANDA dipanggil ke dalam tindakan. Dapatkah Anda menangani JOB?

**PENDEKATAN TUJUAN melalui parasut dan menggunakan alang-alang, air, dan medan bergulir untuk memindahkan terdeteksi
**MENGAMBIL BIAYA dengan Layar Komandan baru, mengarahkan rekan kerja Anda dalam tindakan tunggal dan multiplayer
**MENCIPTAKAN ANDA SENDIRI tunggal atau pertempuran multiplayer dengan Editor Misi PLUS Over 40 misi baru.
Meneror Teroris dengan senjata baru, peralatan baru, dan senapan mesin tetap dan granat peluncur-emplacements.

Cara download:
Klik Link INI
Lalu kemudian klik Logo seperti ini:

Download Delta Force 2 PC Game

Anda akan men-download file: c4Setup-dm.exe ,setelah itu dobel klik pada file tersebut dan Run, yang seperti ini:
Download Delta Force 2 PC Game
Setelah itu muncul jendela download seperti ini:

Download Delta Force 2 PC Game

Tunggu hingga proses download sampai selesai,besaran filenya 330.12 mb,setelah download selesai cari filenya yg biasanya langsung ada pada dekstop,install di komputer sobat,dan mainkan gamenya...!!

System Requirements: 
OS: Windows 98/2000/Me/XP
Processor: Pentium II
DirectX 3.0
Free hard drive space: 470 MB
DirectX-compliant Sound Card

Screen Shoot:

Download Delta Force 2 PC Game

Download Delta Force 2 PC Game

SEKIAN dan selamat Bermain...!!!
 Lihat Lebih Game >>

Monday, October 22, 2012

Download Game PC: COMANCHE4

Download Game Air Attack COMANCHE4, Game serangan udara yang sangat memacu adrenalin dan menuntut keahlian mengendalikan Helikopter...
Tunjukan keahlian mu membidik musuh di darat dengan senjata berat seperti rudal dan meriam mesin.
Seri terlaris Comanche kembali dengan aksi permainan cepat yang menempatkan Anda di kontrol dari sebuah helikopter RAH-66 Comanche. Pada 6 kampanye pemain tunggal dan multiplayer, permainan menggabungkan firepower serius dengan kontrol mudah dan menakjubkan, medan interaktif.

 **NON-STOP PENYERANGAN - ledakan jauh di tank, jet, kapal induk, helikopter, rudal-meluncurkan tentara dan banyak lagi.
 **MELEPASKAN KEKUATAN - Shoot Hellfire dan Stinger rudal, roket dan meriam 20mm.
 **UDARA DI MENIT - cepat menguasai terbang dan berkelahi menggunakan keyboard & mouse, atau untuk kontrol kipas sim, joystick, throttle & pedal.
 **TERRAIN INTERAKTIF STUNNING - Benamkan diri Anda dalam lingkungan rinci dengan rotor mencuci, bayangan, medan jaringan parut dan ledakan spektakuler.

Cara download:
Klik Link INI 
Lalu kemudian klik Logo seperti ini:

 Anda akan men-download file: c4Setup-dm.exe ,setelah itu dobel klik pada file tersebut dan Run, yang seperti ini:
Setelah itu muncul jendela download seperti ini:

Tunggu hingga proses download sampai selesai,besaran filenya 363.28 mb,setelah download selesai cari filenya yg biasanya langsung ada pada dekstop,install di komputer sobat,dan mainkan gamenya...!!

System Requirements: OS: Windows XP/2000
Processor: Pentium 2 100 MHz
DirectX 8.0
128 MB RAM
Free hard drive space: 363 MB
Direct 3D 16MB
DirectX-compliant Sound Card

Screen shoot:

SEKIAN dan selamat Bermain...!!!
 Lihat Lebih Game >>

Cara Mudah Reset HP BlackBerry

Cara Mudah Reset HP BlackBerry
Banyak Kode:
SHIFT Kiri + ALT + DEL Kanan: Master Reset Blackberry, Tekan & Tahan mereka sampai LCD swithed off dan merah berkedip LED. Ingat, semua data Anda di telepon akan hilang ..
ALT + SHIFT Kanan + DEL: Restart blackberry tanpa rilis baterai, yang berfungsi t memori refresh atau untuk mengkonfigurasi setelah menginstal aplikasi.
Pada layar awal, tekan ALT dan mengikuti 'LGLG', event log ditampilkan. Setelah langkah yang Anda dapat menekan HOME dan pilih LOG CLEAR. Kode ini fonctioned untuk menghapus Log.
Sama seperti PC Anda, Anda dapat melompat ke aplikasi lainnya. ALT + TAB n PC Anda, pada Blackberry tekan ALT + ESC.

Semua  resiko dalam tangan Anda sendiri, saya hanya memberikan apa yang saya tahu.
Jika ada diantara sobat semua yang punya pengalaman tentang hal diatas, gak ada ruginya jika kita saling berbagi kepada sesama agar ilmu yang kita miliki bisa bermanfaat buat orang banyak, sobat bisa berbagi pada kotak komentar dibawah..

SEKIAN ...Semoga berhasil...!

Hearts of Iron II Hints & Cheats PC

 Hearts of Iron II Hints & Cheats

Cheat Codes

    Misc. Codes
   Hit [F12] dan masukkan Cheat: typeCodes

    Cheat                                Effect                                                                                         
    dissent                             Gives plenty of dissent
    supplies                           Gives plenty of supplies
    transports                        Gives plenty of transports
    escorts                             Gives plenty of escorts
    robespierre                      You can now do any reform you like (pre v1.2 patch)
    nuke                                 Gives a nuclear bomb
    energy                              Gives plenty of energy
    metal                                Gives plenty of metal
    rubber                              Gives plenty of rubber (pre v1.2 patch)
    money                              Gives plenty of money
    oil                                     Gives plenty of oil
    manpower                       More manpower
    difrules                            God mode on/off
    nowar                              War on/off
    norevolts                        Rebels on/off
    nolimit                             Troop limits on/off
    nofog                               Fog on/off
    handsoff                          Hands on/off
    showxy                            Coordinates on/off
    showid                             Province ID's on/off
    fullcontrol                       AI on/off
    neville                             AI folds to all demands and suggestions (pre v1.2 patch)
    acceptall                         the AI (computer) accepts anything you propose
    freedom                          You can now do any reform you like
    rare                                  Gives plenty of rubber

The End...Good Luck....!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cheats Prince of Persia: Warrior Within PS2

Cheats Prince of Persia: Warrior Within PS2

Kembalikan setiap slot pasir:
Selama gameplay,
tahan L3 dan dengan cepat tekan Lingkaran,Lingkaran, X, Kotak, Kotak, X, Segitiga, Segitiga.

Ilustrasi Gallery:
Menyelesaikan permainan sekali

Alternatif ending:
Menyelesaikan permainan dengan setiap 9 upgrade kehidupan

SEKIAN...selamat bermain...!

Cheat Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium PS2

Cheat Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium PS2

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Hint: Use the Random Groove
Press START on the menu select groove.

Unlock Boss Challenge mode:
Hold TRIANGLE + SQUARE when confirming arcade mode. Both Shin Gouki and God Rugal also be opened for this code to work.

Hint: Fight Mid-Bosses
The mid-boss appears to fight you all of the following have occurred:

There is no match that ended with a time out
Computers have made ​​the first attack of less than 6
Computers have made ​​less than 3 KO special

Opening 1 In 3 Match Tags:
Confirm your first combat on the character select screen and let the time run out before the confirmation of the remaining two options.

Enable Groove Unlimited Custom Option:
Defeat all opponents directly in survival mode.

Enable Additional Options:
Boss obvious challenge mode without continuing.

Hint: Enable Hidden Bosses
Hidden boss can play when they have been beaten. To make them appear, you need to do two things in a tournament:

Increased minimum of 1500 GPS on the game
Beat the mid-boss (Geese or Bison / Vega)
Do at least one Finest KO

God Rugal Capcom groove opening, while the SNK groove opening Shin Gouki.

Hint: Victory Hawgwash
Hold START + FIERCE PUNCH after winning the battle (not rounded) to give farewell to taunt your opponent ...

... Or holding FIERCE KICK START + to offer thanks to fellow teammate instead.

Hint: Enable Custom Groove
Custom workflow is opened when the "hidden boss" beaten.

SEKIAN...dan selamat bermain...jangan lupa koment yah..?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Cheat Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PS2

Cheats Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PS2

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Do the following to get the award as follows:
Gallery Complete Video Game
Sand Tank Deactivate 1 Sand Gate 4th
Deactivate 2 Sand Gates 100 Sand Credits
Deactivate 3 Sand Gates Eye of Storm Time Power
Deactivate 4 Sand Tank Gates 5th sand
Deactivate 5 Sand Gates 150 Sand Credits
Deactivate 6 Sand Gates Winds Sand Attack
Deactivate 7 Sand Gates Sand Tank 6
Deactivate 8 Sand Gates 200 Sand Credits
Deactivate all 9 Sand Gates Sand Storm Attack

Sword Code:
At the Pause Screen enter the following code:
Opening Swordfish Weapon:
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Square, Circle and Box

Unlock Baby Toy Hammer:
Left, Left, Right, Right, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, Up, Down

Opening Telephone of Sorrow As of press pause menu:
Right, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Square

Secondary weapon to chainsaw:
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, circle, Square, Circle, Square

Sekian...Jangan Lupa Koment Yah...?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cara Membuat Headline News Melayang pada Blog

 Berikut saya coba berbagi cara membuat Headlines News melayang plus tombol Close, tujuanya adalah untuk mempermudah pengunjung blog langsung bisa melihat postingan-postingan blog kita dengan tampilan Teks Berjalan,jika mengganggu klik aja tombol Close..paraktissss kan..?
Jika sobat" tertarik berikut cara membuatnya:

  • SigIn ke akun Blogger masing-masing
  • Klik >> Tata letak
  • Tambah Gadget/Add Gadget
  • Pilih HTML/JavaScript
Pastekan Script berikut ini:

<script type="text/javascript">
var hn_url_blog="http://dyenps-cabangsipon.blogspot.com";
var hn_jumlah_post= 25;
var hn_warna_latar="#FFFFFF";
var hn_warna_garis="#000000";
var hn_posisi="bottom";
var hn_tampilkan_judul=true;
var hn_backlink= true;
<script src="https://dyenps2.googlecode.com/files/Headlinenews.js"></script>

Setelah itu Klik Save/Simpan...dan silakan lihat hasilnya keren kan...?
Ganti tulisan warna merah dengan alamat blog sobat
var hn_jumlah_post= 25; adalah jumlah postingan yg di tampilkan secara acak pada headlines news.
var hn_warna_latar="#FFFFFF"; adalah warna backgroundnya
var hn_warna_garis="#000000"; adalah warna garis pemisah
var hn_posisi="bottom"; adalah posisi dari headlines news: bottom=bawah,jika mau di atas tinggal ganti bottom dengan = top.



Monday, October 8, 2012

Cara Menghilangkan File Video PSS WE 10

Cara menon-Aktifkan file PSS WE10 dengan menggunakan aplikasi Xpert v2.0,tapi sebelum dilanjut baca dulu Cara Mengganti File Audio Pada WE10.
Buka aplikasi Xpert kemudian klik --> Tools --> Relinker tampilanya seperti ini:

Klik Open pilih file WE10_10388.ISO-LSN.txt, lalu setelah itu klik Load dan akan seperti gambar dibawah;

Cari file WE10 PSS centang file tersebut, set Dummy/level ke 0 byte kemudian klik kanan pada file PSS tadi pilih Replace Selected File(s)With Dummy dan klik OK,dengan demikian file video PSS WE sudah tidak aktif lagi dan tidak akan tampak lagi ketika kita mainkan gamenya dan secara otomatis file WE10 nya telah berkurang kapasitasnya.
Demikian Cara Menon-Aktifkan File Video PSS WE10 semoga bermanfaat....D.
Lanjutkan Membaca Cara Merebuilt File.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cheat Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PS2

Cheat Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PS2
Membuka tingkat PoP 3D:
Memulai permainan baru dan tinggal di balkon. Tahan L3, setelah dengan cepat tekan :X,Kotak, Segitiga, Lingkaran, Segitiga, X, Kotak, Lingkaran. 

Mengakhiri tingkat.

Menyelesaikan permainan untuk membuka th Pangeran Klasik Of Persia:

Tingkat/Level (angka)- Password (huruf) Dibawah ini:

Jafar pertempuran LRARUC

Sekian...di koment ya...?

Kode/ petunjuk Dynasty Warriors 6 Bahasa Indonesia

Kode / petunjuk Dynasty Warriors 6 Bahasa Indonesia

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Another way to get Cao Cao Sun jian & liu bei
Or you can do the three generals in Shu for liu bei jian wu three generals to the sun and the three generals to cao cao wei at least thats what i did

How to get Diao Chan,
It's simple but it will take some time (a few days maybe) Do one of the story mode selection.It each will be easy to do Zhao Yun, Lu Bu (if you have it if you do not then pick another)., Xiahou Dun, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun.Like I say easier way simple but taking.An is to get a high level of good people with you and do the two players, then let the high level work.Good do all the luck! ^ _ ^

How to unlock gan ning
Compelte each mode wu moushu

Levelling up horses
Go to guan du - cao cao side. Choose horsemenship like lu bu, guan yu, ma chao, etc.. Choose lv. 1 horse and killed 40-49 people without dismount. After it fell off the horse and went to Yuan shao and kill him. After that go to guan du again and repeat it but 50-55 people. Repeat again and kill 100 people to level up to lv. 4 and lv. 5.

How to view both your costume without getting him / her to lvl25
First go to free mode and choose a second character you want see.then Choo costum lvl with people at that level and pick it.Play side.once you go to the person opposite you on the other side he / she will have a second costume (hint: costume changes by pressing O on the character select or customize the display).

How to get Red Hare
Changing a ps2 to 09: 15: 02 and closes the disc tray and press x and o. Go to the browser and ps2 disc. Playing Guan Du, cao cao side, easy with 2 lv 50 lady luck both with find saddle horses. You have to beat Yuan Shao before Bai Ma and Yan Jin falls. You will get a horse with status 197 384 309 135 and the train on horseback. If it does not work to add or subtract 1-20 time with this trick to get it

How to get Liu Bei Grey King
Use this trick 00 Time: 14: 57 Shi ting, wu scenario, easily. 2 lv 50 women good luck with finding a horse saddle. You have to hit the crates saddle at the base of the south enterance center of the map and kill cao cao. You'll get a white horse with status 195 342 306 137. Practice riding lv 50

How to get Lu Bu's Red Hare 2
Use time trick 06: 16: 00 shi wu ting simple scenario. 2 lv 50 women good luck with finding a horse saddle. Get saddle from saddle crate and kill cao cao. You will get a red horse with status 201 379 306 144. Practice riding lv 50

How to get Shadow Runner King Cao Cao and Liu Bei Grey King
Use this trick a 10: 15: 02 guan du cao cao side, easily. 2 lv50 lucky to find a woman with a horse saddle. Get saddle from saddle crate and kill Yuan Shao before Bai Ma and Yan Jin falls. You will get a dark horse (198 340 307 141) and a white horse (199,341,309,137). Practice riding a horse cheats level up.

How to get considers / heavenly horse
Set a ps2 to 23: 25: 01 guan du, cao cao side. Kill yuan shao before Bai Ma and Yan Jin falls. You will get c / h horse (196,344,357,143). Practice riding lv50 character (if you want to get high status I think you have a horse lv50)

How to get Zhang Jiao
Yellow Turban Rebellion, any difficulty. Go to the base in the center of the map and hit the bridge. Go to the jar next to the wind and hit the stairs. Hit another jar to stop the wind and the steps people vacuuming. Bring liu bei, cao cao, sun jian and their officers and kill Zhang Jiao.

How to get Guan Ping
Go to Fan Castle, Shu Side. Successful air assault, and finish the battle with guan ping life.

Fast Levelling Up Level 1 Horse
Go to Shi Ting (Wu) / Guan Du (Wei) / Tong Gate (Shu), Hard difficulty. Use lv.50 character. Kill 50 enemies in a horse and went to the commander of the enemy and defeat it. Your horse will level up to Lv2. Try again battle and defeat 100 enemies and then go and kill the enemy commander. SUPRISE, your horse will lv up to LV4. Try this again with 100 kills your horse will Lv5

How to unlock zhang liao, Zhuge Liang, diao chan, gan ning
Complete 1 musou mode from each kingdom

Defeat the Battle of He Fei as Xiahou Dun
You need to kill Ling Tong first and then moved to the East castle and kill all the staff, especially Zhou Tai, even when two of the officers tried to run away, chase them down and kill them. Now take the second base in the center where you fought Ling Tong. Now, Lu Meng advanced and you have seen the video about wu Zhang Liao to attack soldiers, returned to the palace east and kill Zhuge Jin, he will come to it. Now go down and approach Zhang Liao but did not help him, he would kill himself Lu Meng, Gan Ning will show and you will kill him. Now hurry Sun Quan and use your tome when he was in the half. You will devestate him with the power of a killer. Now that you have won.

How to get yuan shao.
Playing ma chao's musou mode. You will fight yuan shao's forces. after that you will get the yuan shao.

How to Unlock Guan Ping
At the Battle of Fan Castle defeats the purpose of fighting 1,2,3.

Full of character

King of iron fist
Did you know iam, iam is a master chaos

if you bring all the attendant chaos difcult musou mode you will unlock new achivment

How to open a gate post or the archers quickly destroy watchpost
Just play as Sun Shang Xiang (please forgive me for spelling that wrong).

How to Get the Horse King! {As Red Hare}
The first thing you should do {optional but you may never get one of the king's horse if you do not do this} is get two characters with 'Lady Luck' and go to the first stage of the Yellow Turban Rebellian {} and choose two characters with lady luck {lvl50 character has the best chance} then go. to the far left end of the bottom map.just keep following the path until opening up.Then, most people will want to jump from Nah Right do? do not do it just continues. left, turn right, then turn left {you will be facing toward the desert} and you will see a medium rock.Right behind the stone is a box with a saddle {When you get close to it you will see the clip it's crazy-haired monkey dude, I think his name was Zhang Jiao or somthing} opened the box by pressing the jump saddle.then off.You itand take to open the bridge if you want.Then go kill officers in your way {they dropped the saddle sometimes} then go to the right way up and 'destructive' dust and officers, then jump to the ladder and to the left and kill the officer who made the dust that explode when you kill them {which will complete one of the targets for more XP}. after that go to the monkey and kill him and other officers as they may drop the saddle and {kill another officer first because you can no longer kill after you kill the primary officer} hold. do this over and over until you get a horse to the description 'eyes consder physical world and have heavinly'. then use a person on horseback {} lvl50 prefered to train it.I got the king Auburn as it {though as far as only}. His name is the name of Comet.The East is Red Hare Ultament Dream.If you get a horse the king, then the next time you get each name will change.This will take a very long time though.Good luck!

How to get Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liao, Gan Ning, Diao Chan, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Jian
Three Finish Musou Mode of each kingdom

Cheat/Kode Devil May Cry 3 Bahasa Indonesia

Berikut Ini Kode- Kode Devil May Cry 3 Bahasa Indonesia.

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Cheat and Hints (PS2):
Complete Vergil story story on any difficulty.

cheat Mode
Die 3 times in normal mode.

Obviously Bonus Art
Complete Vergil Story mode on any difficulty setting.

Dante Dmc1
Complete normal mode.

Super Vergil
Complete bloody palace.
Continue where you last left
Choose Gold before you start a new game.

Overcoming Damage Vergil
Empty hard levels.

concept Art
Complete Vergil Story mode on any difficulty setting.

Very hard difficulty
You have to win hard levels.

E3 Video Promotion
Complete Vergil Story mode on any difficulty setting.

Dante Coatless
Complete easy or normal mode.

Vergil mode
Winning the game as Dante or use a memory card with a DMC3 save data.

Vergil Coatless
Beat easy with Vergil.

Alternate ending sequence
During the end credits, kill at least 100 opponents with Dante.

Bloody Palace mode
Winning the game as Dante or use a memory card with a DMC3 save data.

hard mode
Complete normal mode.

Prologi Vergil 1 and 2
Complete Vergil Story mode on any difficulty setting.

Super Corrupt Vergil
Obviously VMD.

Enable mode + costume
Currently Playing Game Put R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 + UP / LEFT on the D-Pad & DOWN / RIGHT on the joystick left. A sound will play saying "devil may cry" and you should have all modes and costumes / outfitsunlocked.

Super Dante
Beat the game on DMD difficulty.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Membuat Share Otomatis Posting ke Facebook dan Twitter

Untuk memudahkan postingan / artikel blog kita muncul secara otomatis di jejaring sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter, saya pakai Aplikasi dlvr.it, karena secara cepat langsung ditampilkan. Anda harus punya akun facebook dan akun twitter. Nah dengan share otomatis posting blog ke facebook dan twitter yang pasti temen-temen anda akan langsung mengetahui dan membaca isi artikel anda dan ini akan memberi keuntungan pada blog karena meningkatnya page view blog anda.Dan disisi lain kita tidak perlu repot-repot bikin share segala,dengan aplikasi ini secara otomatis semua postingan kita akan muncul sendirinya pada akun FB dan Twetter kita,jika sobat-sobat berminat silakan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

Cara Share Otomatis Posting Blog ke Facebok dan Twitter

1. Mendaftar dulu ke http://app.dlvr.it/ dan klik sign up (letaknya ada dibawah)

2. Lalu masukkan alamat Email dan password anda, lalu klik sign up.

3. Berikutnya akan muncul seperti gambar dibawah ini untuk mengisi alamt blog atau feed url Blog Sobat:

4. Selanjutnya pilih share melalui twitter atau facebook.

5. Lalu pilih destinasi Share pada akun Facebook atau Twetter milik sobat, lalu klik Continue:

6. Setelah itu akan muncul jendela seperti dibawah:

7. Untuk menambah Destinasi postingan ke Facebook atau ke Twetter,atau ingin menambah Sumber/Source silahkan klik add.

Maka akan muncul jendela pop up seperti gambar dibawah ini :

8. Berikutnya pilih akun yang ada facebook page atau akun pribadi atau akun Twetter sobat dan akan muncul account authorized, jika sebelumnya akun anda telah terpakai centang pada "use exiting acount" jika belum maka pilih "New" dan seperti dibawah ini:

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