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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cheat Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness versi Indonesia

Berikut adalah cheat Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness,ikuti semua petunjuk agar semua cheat bisa sobat terapkan dalam permainan...OK sob selamat bermain...:

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Level selection and miss options: (Level selection and skip options :)
Pause game play, then simultaneously Hold L1 + R2 + DOWN + TRIANGLE.

Release the button, then quickly enter:

When you pause the game, you can choose stage.
These maps are not labeled, so use this list to view the map

You are heading to:
Paris1: Parisian Backstreets
Paris1A: Derelict Apartment Block
Paris1B: Margot Carvier's Apartment
Paris1C: Industrial Roof Tops
Paris2_1: Parisian Ghetto Subway Car
Paris2_2: Parisian Ghetto
Paris2_3: Parisian Ghetto Church
Paris2B: The Serpent Rouge
Paris2C: Rennes' Pawnshop
Paris2D: WillowTree Herbalist
Paris2E: St. Aicard's Church
Paris2F: Cafe Metro
Paris2G: St. Aicard's Graveyard
Paris2H: Bouchard's Hideout
Paris3: Louvre Storm Drains
Paris4: Louvre Galleries
Paris4A: Galleries Under Siege
Paris5: Tomb of the Ancients
Paris5A: The Archaeological Dig
Paris6: Von Croy's Apartment
Prague1: The Monstrum crimescene
Prague2: The Strahov Fortress
Prague3: The Bio-Research Facility
Prague3A: Aquatic Research Area
Pargue4: The Sanitarium
Prague4A: Maximum Containment Area
Prague5: The Vault of Trophies
Prague5A: Boaz Returns
Prague6: Eckhardt's Lab
Prague6A: The Lost Domain
Paris5_1: Hall of Seasons
Paris5_2: Neptune's Hall
Paris5_3: Wrath of the Beast
Paris5_4: The Sanctuary of Flame
Paris5_5: The: Breath of Hades

alternate level selection:
Press L1, R2, R1, L1, L1, R2, L1 and press R2 rapidly

"Check Credit" in "Exit Game" menu:
Pause while playing, hold L2 + R1 + R2 + TRIANGLE + CIRCLE.

End Stage:
Select the option "Load Game" while playing and View all files.
After press R2 + SQUARE. Exit the inventory screen and the level should dilesaikan automatically.

limited money or items.
Find a location where you can take the money or health packs
Once you log out and log back in to the screen, money or items will reapper and you can choose again.

Unlock hidden trailer:
Finish the game with all the secrets

Acrobatic shot:
Equip yourself with weapons and press the joystick Left Forward + R2 + Circle
When you are in the air press X.

Code: Result:
Hold L1 and press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, L2 - Bulletproof
Hold L1 and press Square, O, X, L2, R1, Triangle - Provides the ability to drain the enemy's health
Press and hold L2, then press CROSS, CIRCLE, CROSS - assault rifle ammo infinite
Hold L2 and press L1, Triangle, R1, Circle, L1, Square - Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo
Hold L2 and press R1, Circle, Square, L1, Square, X. - Infinite Shotgun Ammo
Hold L2 and press Circle, Triangle, L1, R1, X, Circle. - Infinite SMG Ammo
Hold L1 and press L2, X, Circle, X, Triangle, R1 - No texture
Hold L1 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, Circle - One shot kills
Hold L2 and press Triangle, X, O R1, Triangle, L1 - holding Excalibur
Hold L2 and press X, R1, Circle, R1, L1, Square -. holds Invincible Soul Reaver
Hold L2 and press A, R2, Triangle, R2, Square, L1

One hit kill
Hold L2 and press Triangle, A, Triangle, Square, L1, Circle

Reveal enemy health
Hold L2 and press Square, Circle, A, L1, R2, Triangle

OK sob itu dia semua Cheatnya semoga bisa berguna ya..?dan jangan lupa komentnya ya..??

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